Wednesday, May 11, 2016

3 Things to do Before Residency Starts

If you're preparing to start a Residency Program this summer the next couple months will be a very precious time for your family.  Here are just three things you should do for your family  before you start Residency.


Just be together.  Do your favorite things and take lots of pictures so you remember how much fun you have together.  You might have a lot to get done but try to do as much as possible together.

Next thing you should do BEFORE the first day of Residency (because after day 1 you won't have time)  is:


Sit down and make a plan.  Decide what is most important to you.  What is okay to fall by the wayside (which will be most things) and what will you make a strong effort to continue.  For us it was basic things like: dinner together (as much a possible), prayers together, scripture reading together, couple time...

As a part of this plan come up with creative ways to make your most important things happen.  My husband would facetime for a minute or two, if he could, when he had to be at the hospital late. I know a family whose husband had in house call so they would go eat dinner at the hospital with him.


If it was important before it is crucial now.  You will have very little time to talk with each other so clear and concise communication helps.

This is something that I struggle with.  I'm such a talker, especially with my husband, that its hard to have to cut back on how much I talk to him and tell him because there simply isn't time. Ideally what I would be doing each day is picking out the key things that happened that day and let him know. What is also important is keeping the lines of communication open.   Don't hold on to things that are bothering you.  Make time to express what's hard for you so things don't build up.

You have a great adventure before you.  Will it stretch and challenge you? You bet!  But you can get through it and grow along the way.